Ra Uru Hu was the guy who received the Human Design information 35 years ago (in January, 1987). Human Design synthesizes astrology, the chakra system, the Chinese I’Ching, the Kabbalah tree of life, and basic principles of quantum physics, biochemistry, and genetics.
Ra passed away in 2010, shortly after he gave this lecture portending what to expect in 2027.
Some people think that Ra got the Human Design information when he did to help people get in touch with their own internal navigation systems so that they could handle 2027 better. They also think that he died in 2010 so that the information would not be controlled or owned by him.
I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about 2027, so figured I’d paraphrase a lecture Ra gave in 2010 about what to expect.
I tried to keep my interpretation void of emotion.
Global cycles are pretty much patterns that people have been looking at astrologically for thousands of years. In Human Design, these cycles are each 400 years long. In each cycle, the background frequency of the planet shifts, which affects humanity as a whole. Each of these cycles have physical themes. These energetic themes enter our cells and affect us greatly.
This last cycle began in 1615, and it is called the Cross of Planning. The theme of this cycle has been COMMUNITY:

The background frequency has been made up of bargains–you work for us and in return I’ll give you the affection you need. In return we’ll have this bargain where we work together to fulfill the demands of the community.
Prior to 1615, human history was never really about “the community.” Instead, it was largely about POWER:
Top-down rulers and conquerors like Ramses, Alexander, Napoleon, etc.
Prior to 1615, if you knew something you didn’t tell anyone because you would give up your power. If you learned something you didn’t offer it to the community, you’d keep it to yourself for your own advantage.
Since 1615, every intellectual development was offered to the community for their benefit. This was a gradual shift that didn’t happen overnight. This shift occurred because the background frequency of the planet entered this community-focused 400 year cycle that started in 1615. Since 1615, we experienced the Industrial Age. The Industrial Age resulted in:
The building of factories and the beginning of providing organized work for the community.
This resulted in other demands like what to do with children while people worked outside of the home.
So the institutionalized schooling system began. The institutionalization of education led to the programming and propagandizing of minds
With the Industrial Age also brought benefits, which resulted in what we call modern medicine, and the building of hospitals and care facilities.
Institutionalized science became a thing. At the beginning of this cycle in the 17th century we had individual flashes of genius that defined the nature of what science was going to be. Isaac Newton being one of them. Closer to now, we have Nobel Prizes by committee, 39 professors sharing the prize for an obscure whatever. You see the increase in COMMUNITY backing.
Since 1615 we’ve seen the unprecedented establishment of nation states that all went through revolutionary transformation during this time in which the people rose up and took power:
French Revolution
American Revolution
Other revolutions in Europe
All of these transformed the old top down monarchical systems where “the community” was nothing but fodder into a world where the community demanded that everything is for “us.”
ALL of this came about because the background frequency cycle supported COMMUNITY. Now, nearing the end of the cycle, we’re in a vastly institutionalized, controlled world.
As we approach 2027, we have been experiencing the beginning of the end of this COMMUNITY cycle. Institutions created to benefit the community are falling apart:
Governmental organizations
Non-governmental organizations
School systems
International Aid Agencies
Financial institutions
Think about how much we currently take COMMUNITY help for granted: We have to eat, get from one place to the next, count on certain things being available, count on the trust that’s inherent in COMMUNITY to have vast communities and large cities function. Think about all the community bargains we need to live right now. The dependencies: electricity, stores, internet, etc.
Has this theme of COMMUNITY been the utopia that one would think? Here’s the situation:
2 billion humans are hungry
Hundreds of millions of people are in violent zones
Half of the species (women) are repressed and controlled
Religions try to control us
Countless institutionalized problems that are incredibly profound
Corrupt governments
In 2027, all the things we’ve taken for granted about our interrelationships with other human beings on this planet will go away. The background frequency supporting these institutions will go away. It will be hard to get a whole group of people together to do the same thing.
This will probably be difficult for us! Modern life has been determined by our integration into communities; our participation as citizens; our responsibilities to our nation states or religions. It has kept us in a certain level of control, and homogenization.
In 2027, the background frequency will be the polar opposite of the global community frequency. It has been TRIBAL. The frequency of 2027 will be INDIVIDUAL. The frequency will be about looking after ourselves and being more “selfish. The background frequency is changing from “us” and “we” to “me” and “I.”
To survive, you will have to have your own authority because there will be no authority you can turn to. Right now we look to outer authorities, like calling 9-1-1 or a plumber. 2027 is going to be the beginning of the end of that. We have to learn to be our own authorities because the outer authorities will look very different. What happens when we call 9-1-1 and no one’s there, for instance?
We will be ill-equipped for this because most of us have never been taught how to be our own authorities. We have been taught to look outside of ourselves for answers: Check a thesaurus, call 9-1-1, call your doctor, go online. You don’t have to worry or decide anything or think. Advertising has told us what to eat, what to wear, what to smell, where to go. We’ve given up our authority to the authorities that control us and have determined what our nature is going to be.
What will help us all navigate the plane at any time despite the change in background frequency is our STRATEGY and AUTHORITY which is about our unique human process. Our unique human process is not dependent on the tribe, or societal agreements, or bargains, or loyalty.
We as humans are not here to be afraid or struggle, but we have to be able to stand on our own feet. We can’t expect that the world is going to deliver for us (like our governments).
There’s nothing for us to DO about any of this besides have our minds sit back as the passengers and lean into passenger consciousness. And then sit back and watch the movie of life as STRATEGY and AUTHORITY take over.
The radical changes will likely make the world indistinguishable from this one by the time people born in 2026 and before are dead. It’s a gradual shift.
In the meantime, it’s important for us to teach children to be their own authorities so that they survive in the future. To teach human beings how to have their own authority. To learn from an early age that they don’t need to be dependent or seek outer authority to find their way, or to understand what’s necessary for them. Any human being following their STRATEGY and AUTHORITY is going to be able to navigate on this plane, despite the background frequency.
In 2027, humanity will experience a mutation that will make children born after 2027 kind of a different species, called RAVES:
The mutation started in 1781 (when Projectors came to the planet). 1781 also marked the beginning of us becoming 9 energy center beings (instead of the traditional 7 energy center beings of the chakra system).
The mutation is in the codon (amino acid) histidine
This mutation is why we’ve had increases in autism and prostate cancer and other things
The mutation is happening in the solar plexus (emotional center)
Rave children born after 2027 that will be a horrible shock and trauma to their parents, similar to the shock a parent of a severely autistic child might experience: the sense of loss that you don’t have the child that you thought, and all of the concerns you have for the children.
We won’t understand these children and they’ll likely be quickly institutionalized. They’ll have poor vision, poor muscle tone. They’ll never be efficient in terms of movement. They probably won’t develop the sophisticated level of speech in the way we understand it. They’ll be part of something we have no access to.
Rave children will be part of a kind of hive consciousness that will never be interested in being unique. They won’t be interested in their own identity or in the “self.” They will simply give. They will be living components of a transauric form and the form itself will be the entity. So like 3 of these children will make up the form instead of one of them being a sovereign individual.
They will have ways of relating to reality that is different from us because they’ll be operating out of a different emotional system. For us, emotions are mostly waves that we experience from pain to pleasure. For Raves, their emotions will be not a wave, but a different sort of emotional awareness. We won’t be able to relate to them beyond the fact that we will produce them.
The concern is ultimate not about raves, but humans. That we live out the fulness of the beauty of what it is to be us, and the magic and possibility of what it is to be us. To truly be able to fulfill that uniqueness that allows us to walk this plane in the way we were intended: free of guile, free of fear. Aware, with our eyes open. Seeing life for what it is, and taking in the richness of that.
This is an incredible plane to live on, and all we have to do is understand we can’t save everyone. We can’t spend our lives being worried about them because it isn’t going to help. We have to begin to understand the importance of selfishness for ourselves because until you’re correct (living by STRATEGY and AUTHORITY and as your highest expression of self) there is no one you can help. Take care of your own business first. Take care of what it is to be here and free of the control mechanisms that distort our lives, and then be open to who’s there. It’s not a community commitment–you don’t owe it to anyone. When you love yourself, love is everywhere.
This new frequency isn’t something to fear. It means we have to let go of some kinds of conditioned hope. All the nice stuff about what could be might be should be, it’s all sweet but useless. Take care of your business, take care of yourself, learn how to operate through your own authority so that you trust it, so you’re always safe and always correct, so you can handle whatever is there. That’s what matters. It’s where you get your power and where you get your strength.
You get the knowledge, you practice it, and you discover its truth.
We have to do this so we can do this for our children and children’s children. To prepare those who need to be prepared. To learn how to be our own authorities because we can’t trust the authorities around us anymore. So stop.
If you’d like to learn more about your own unique Human Design and learn how to live as your own authority, I’d love to help! Book a session here.