I’ve received many questions about the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction that happened yesterday (Monday, 12/21/20) so I figured I’d answer here. You may have seen it as it was the first visible (to humans) Jupiter/Saturn conjunction since the 1600s.
12/21/2020 marked The Great Conjunction, where Jupiter and Saturn appeared to converge. In astrology speak, Jupiter and Saturn made a conjunction in Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct every 20 years. This particular conjunction also initiates a new 200 year era known as the Age of Air. So, this Great Conjunction marks the beginning of a new 20 year cycle (in Aquarius) as well as a 200 year era (the Age of Air).

From the perspective of western Astrology, here’s a basic description of the symbolism...
Jupiter represents expansion, luck, and fortune. Jupiter inspires optimism, abundance, taking big risks, and having fun. Jupiter’s orbit takes about 12 years.
Saturn is the planet of challenge and struggle. It is associated with maturity, long-term lessons, and responsibility. Saturn’s orbit takes about 29 years
Jupiter and Saturn combine expansive and imaginative vision with the structure and discipline needed to strip away the inessential and yield results; Jupiter opens our minds while Saturn creates structure for thoughts to become tangible actions. Thanks to their longer orbits, Saturn and Jupiter are both associated with long-term events. Their orbits influence longer chapters in our lives, as opposed to shorter, daily or monthly happenings. Think large scale changes over decades as opposed to monthly or daily shifts.
The ~20 year conjunction cycle in Aquarius will embody the qualities of Aquarius, the quirky, liberated, robot/alien of the zodiac who does things its own way. Aquarius is an air sign which represents humanitarianism, innovation, and progress; revolution and reform; technology and modernization. It’s a fixed sign that loves structuring information that comes from the higher mind of the Universe. It’s all about coming up with a new vision.
*The next 20 years will likely be marked by accelerated shifts in public policy. Aquarius is not about top-down rulership. Instead we’ll hopefully see more of a focus on individual autonomy informing a more humanitarian public policy. We will also likely see technological and scientific breakthroughs, as well as a healthy dose of ideological paradigm shifts. Aquarius is both impersonal and rational, but for the sake of humanity as a whole. (An example is that social distancing for the benefit of others may become a more mainstream practice, but new means of communication are opening up thanks to the internet.)*
The ~200 year Age of Air will embody the qualities of the air element. We shift from the ~200 year-long Age of Earth, which represented ownership, possession, capital, and groundedness. This age was all about material resources, and feeling grounded and secure by securing physical means. We saw the Industrial Revolution, and two world wars. Humans extracted and fought over resources, and hoarded and protected property (both national and personal). We accelerated the degradation of the earth’s climate thanks to this pursuit of material security.
*In this new Age of Air, we will realize that material security is an illusion. The element of air represents technology, philosophy, progress, communication, humanitarianism, and abstract thinking. We may be able to intellectualize new solutions to old, destructive habits, perhaps through technology, which will play an even greater role than it is now.*
So what do I do about this?
This shift from earth to air and into Aquarius will happen whether you as an individual do anything about it or not. Our responsibility is to harness these qualities of air and Aquarius for progress and the betterment of ourselves and the planet. It is up to us to decide how we will wield the energy of this new age.
*This predictive analysis is all my own.*
#newparadigm #ageofaquarius #greatconjunction2020 #jupiter #saturn #jupitersaturnconjunction #ageofair #newearth #westernastrology #ageofearth