Mercury retrograde has a bad reputation. In popular culture, mercury retrograde is infamous for travel snafus, communication breakdowns, and technology hiccups.
Mercury is a quickly moving planet that takes just about 88 days to travel around the sun. Mercury is named after the ancient Greek god Hermes (or Mercurius in Latin), who is the god of commerce, the messenger of the gods, and the mediator between gods and mortals. In Astrology (and Human Design) speak, Mercury governs travel, thinking style, communications, and technology, which is why we experience snafus in these areas during Mercury retrograde.
We call it Mercury retrograde because about 3 times a year for 3 weeks at a time, Mercury appears to be moving backwards in the sky from our vantage point (exact dates are below). In reality, this is an optical illusion. Mercury is not actually moving backwards! Similarly, seeing Mercury retrograde as bad and “backwards” is also an optical illusion that can be reframed:

the slowdowns or standstills that we perceive as bad are actually a good thing for us mortals on Earth.
First off, Mercury in retrograde affects everybody differently, depending on your natal chart. For example, Mercury governs Virgo and Gemini, so depending where you have Virgo and Gemini in your chart will determine in which areas of life you’ll be affected most. In addition, if you were born during a Mercury retrograde, you may actually become sharper, clearer, or more productive during this time.
While it’s not a great time to sign contracts or start big new ventures, there are many benefits of this time if used wisely. Mercury retrograde is a gift from the Universe that allows (or forces) us to slow down and honor the prefix “RE.” Instead of pushing to move “forward,” take this time to focus on the following:
Mercury retrograde is a great time for handling unfinished business as things under the surface can come up for you to [finally] deal with. The truth will emerge and mysteries will reveal themselves. People from your previous life tend to come up from seemingly out of nowhere during Mercury retrograde, often for the purpose of achieving closure. This is a great time to get mired in the weeds of what you need to face to move on. Sometimes we need to look backwards to move forwards.
That being said, while the gifts of mercury retrograde will help you ultimately move “forward” in life, from a practical more down-to-earth perspective, miscommunications and snafus will happen in the areas of life that Mercury governs (travel, communication, technology).
Here are some concrete tips on “surviving” Mercury retrograde:
Backup your computer/phone/data
Avoid signing contracts
Re-read text messages and e-mails before hitting send
Take an extra breath before speaking
Avoid starting new things
Double and triple confirm dates, plans, meetings, appointments
Be mindful of the propensity for miscommunications to occur, and practice having grace with yourself and others when they do
Leave extra early for travel and appointments
Renew commitments instead of making new ones
Plan reunions (but prepare for travel and communication mishaps)
Expect to run into people from your past
Do not buy new vehicles or electronics
Do not sign contracts or make big purchases
Again, I consider Mercury retrograde to be a gift from the Universe. Instead of always pushing to move forward, it is essential to remember to pause and look “back.” In a globalized world where communication, technology, and travel move at lightning speed, Mercury retrograde is a [forced] reminder to take a moment, slow down, reconnect and review, even if it means appearing to move backwards.
Upcoming Mercury Retrograde dates*:
October 13 - November 3, 2020
January 30 - February 19, 2021
May 31 - June 21, 2021
September 28 - October 16, 2021
January 15 - February 5, 2022
May 11 - June 2, 2022
September 11 - September 30, 2022
*There is a shadow period about a week before and after these timeframes, during which the affects (or gifts) of Mercury retrograde can still occur.
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