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What is a Reflector?


Reflectors are here to reflect back to us how we are doing as a society. Reflectors sense the physical, psychic, or emotional health of an environment, community, or group, and are here to judge what is working correctly or not. They represent 1% of the population, and are needed at the center of their communities because they feel and experience everything. They are the true mirrors for society with the greatest potential for wisdom out of all of the types.

Energetically, Reflectors are blank slates with very little of their own defined energy. Reflectors have all open centers, meaning they have none of their own energy to buffer what comes in from the world around them. Instead, they amplify what's coming at them from the external world. When they are alone and are not influenced by others' energies, they are neutral. In this way, they can be everyone and no one at the same time!

Because Reflectors are the chameleons of society, you can be anyone you want to be just by being around the energy you want to reflect. The opportunities are endless! The hard part is being in a world where you are told you have to "know who you are" and "what you want" to be successful. Divorce your self-worth and value from identity and just BE. It's neater for us to categorize ourselves and we may feel safer to do so, but you are here for your wisdom that comes from your ability to be SO detached from your own story or judgments of what you're feeling, that you can be a mirror for society.

To step into your power and fulfill your purpose, you need to know that if you're in an environment that feels good to you, then you're in the right place at the right time. Make sure to come back every day to your blank slate. You do NOT need to figure out who you are or what you like, because life will carry you. You need to let go of the need to cling to an identity and let go of who you think you should be to be safe in this world. Be honest with yourself about the environments, people, situations, etc. that do not feel good, and avoid staying there even if your mind or conditioning say you have to.

Realize that all of the energy and emotions that you are feeling are not yours. When you don't feel good, remember that you are magnifying something that is going on with the rest of us. Remind yourself that when you feel good you are amplifying and reflecting what is good, and when you feel bad you are amplifying and reflecting what is bad. Then you can play around with all that life has to offer and navigate the world in any way you want that feels good to you.

As a Reflector, you are living correctly if you are SURPRISED by life: you feel overjoyed, or delighted, and excited by the newness of life, even during its ups and downs, without attachment. When you feel DISAPPOINTED--life is unexciting or too predictable, or you feel constricted, then you're not on the right track. Find where in your life you're trying to define yourself, and ask yourself why you feel like knowing or defining yourself is a strength. Your purpose is NOT to allow the external world to label you. You can be anything you want, just by being in environments and around people that make you feel DELIGHTED.


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