Projectors are here to see things in a way that others cannot, and are here to guide the rest of us. Projectors are "non-energy beings": Unlike Manifesting Generators, Generators, and Manifestors, Projectors are not here to add to the energy that already exists. Projectors are here to modulate, transmute, change, improve, make more efficient, what already exists. This doesn't mean that Projectors can't achieve big things (former US Presidents Obama and Kennedy were Projectors), it just means that they do them differently. You have a penetrating aura, which allows you to see deeply into others. Your main contribution is not about what you physically and/or energetically exert, but rather your ability to see things in a different way that can make things better!

Every Projector has a specific thing that is their "niche" that no one else can see. Figure out what niche or niches come easily to you, what you're fascinated by, what seems clear to you but opaque to others. The world may have told you that what you do shouldn't come easily to you and shouldn't be fun, but your interests and natural gifts are likely what you're here to share. Systems, processes, efficiency, inner workings of things--all are possibilities! There is no right or wrong way to be a Projector.
Start practicing, recognizing, and nurturing your skills and interests. Strengthen the muscle of leaning into your Projector gifts. Begin by RECOGNIZING yourself without looking for outside validation. Once you are more aligned with your natural gifts, the outside validation and recognition will come. People will receive your penetrating aura and will give you INVITATIONS to use your skills in the world.
Your STRATEGY to experience more flow is to WAIT FOR THE INVITATION. This will ensure that the other party is willing and energetically ready for the guidance you have to impart. Waiting for the invitation will also ensure that you are being RECOGNIZED and that you have something to share. This will ensure the correct energetic exchange, and will keep you from feeling BITTER.
Your NOT-SELF THEME--the signal from the universe that you are not using your energy correctly--is BITTERNESS: If you're giving advice and you haven't been recognized, what often happens is that you start feeling annoyed or BITTER. You can try and give advice, but if someone doesn't want to hear it, they are not going to receive it. It is better for you to conserve your energy and wait until people invite you. Once you are invited in, you may find that you are able to act more like a Manifestor and get things done.
You will know that you are on the right path when you are experiencing less BITTERNESS and are being RECOGNIZED for your gifts!