Generators are the creative life force energy of the planet and are here to explore what it is to have desires as a human being. I know, what a big job!

When Generators do things they love, they CREATE energy and can go all day without getting tired. People LOVE being around Generators, especially when they are lit up!
As a Generator, your energy gives others energy, whether you are aware of this or not.
As a Generator, your energy is ruled by the powerful sacral chakra in your lower belly, which represents creativity, desire, and life force.
To get into alignment, eliminate resistance, and experience more flow, your strategy in life is to WAIT TO RESPOND! Thanks to your open and enveloping aura, life is always sending you things/people/job opportunities/sights/smells/etc. for you to respond to. Move out of your mind and listen to your sacral/gut response whenever making a decision about something that life has put in your path with an energetic "yes," or an energetic "no." If there is no big response, then perhaps it is a "not now." If it is a true sacral "yes" then the momentum created by your powerful sacral energy will carry you forward in the direction of your desire.
You have likely been trained to use your mind to make choices, so it takes awareness and practice to master your design. Start by saying "no" to things that do not light you up to make room for more "yeses" to come into your aura! Trust that life will send you things to respond to, and do not be afraid to sit back and wait.